Search results for: 'leech literature bibliography 564'
- Buch HirudotherapieA guide for leech therapy by Dr. med. Dominique Kähler Schweizer and Dr. rer. nat. Magdalene Westendorf€68.00 Incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Cost
- Poster zur Blutegeltherapie (Human)Poster for practice rooms, exhibitions and health days€10.00 Incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Cost
- Prospekt Blutegeltherapie Großtiere (10 Stück)The brochures inform patients about the possibility of leech therapies, name indications and explain the process...€1.00 Incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Cost
- Prospekt Blutegeltherapie Kleintiere (10 Stück)The brochures inform patients about the possibility of leech therapies, name indications and explain the process...€1.00 Incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Cost
- Prospekt Humantherapie (10 Stück)The brochures inform patients about the possibility of leech therapies, name indications and explain the process...€1.00 Incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Cost
- Buch Blutegeltherapie bei TierenAnke Henne - The book explains the basics, methodology and possible methods of treatment of leeches in animal...€29.00 Incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Cost
- Buch: So hilft Ihnen die BlutegeltherapieDr. med. Claudia Moser, Karla Moser - In this book Dr. med. Claudia Moser - (general practitioner) and Mrs....€34.95 Incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Cost
- Buch Heilen mit der Kraft der NaturProf. Dr. med. Andreas Michalsen - The professor for clinical naturopathy at the Charité and chief physician at...€24.95 Incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Cost
- Buch BlutegeltherapieProf. Dr. med. Andreas Michalsen - Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Roth - This book explains the basics, methodology and...€39.99 Incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Cost
- Poster zur Blutegeltherapie (Tier)Poster for practice rooms, exhibitions and health days.€10.00 Incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Cost
- Schaubilderset Hirudopunktur für TiereThe Hirudopuncture chart set helps the practitioner to locate the established intervention points. Thus the...€24.95 Incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Cost
- Schaubilderset „Ansatzpunkte“The set of illustrations for intervention points in leech therapy according to Prof. Dr. med. Oleg Kamenev...€19.00 Incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Cost
- Ratgeber Wissenswertes zur BlutegeltherapiePatient guide on worth knowing about leech therapy by Dr. med. Dominique Kähler Schweizer and Dr. rer. nat....€14.80 Incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Cost